Click here to see student testimonies
If you would like to support the work of the Richmond Center for Christian Study, you can do so in any one of the following ways:
1) You can use your credit card, check card or PayPal to make a one-time contribution.
2) You can simply mail a check to the following address, payable to "Richmond Center for Christian Study" (if you are pledging, write "monthly pledge" in the memo line):
Richmond Center for Christian Study
6243 River Road, Suite 7
Henrico, VA 23229
3) You can set up automatic monthly contributions here:
4) Stock donations can also be given using the following information:
Custodian: Charles Schwab
DTC Number: 0164, code 40
Account Title: Richmond Center for Christian Study
Address: 1945 North Western Drive, El Paso, TX 79112
Account Number: 36254342
5) If you own your own business, you can give through your business and become a corporate sponsor. Feel free to call us for details at 804-285-5802.
The Richmond Center for Christian Study is a nonprofit, nonstock Virginia corporation recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as an exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible. A financial statement is available upon written request from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
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Student Testimonies
“I can truly say that without the Study Center, I would not have found my life with Christ.”
~ Jacob Queller (UR Junior)
“As a result of my involvement with the Richmond Study Center, I have found that my relationship with Christ is stronger and my trust in God and his Word is deeper and more solid than ever.”
~ Jake Mayers (UR Senior)
“My experience with the Richmond Study Center has not only been helpful, exciting and encouraging, but it has also played a huge role in my decision to continue studying at UR.”
~ Jessi Sakamoto (UR Sophomore)
“My study of C. S. Lewis at the Study Center was deeply encouraging to me during a period of immense doubt and questioning in my life.”
~ Tori Noles (UR Sophomore)
What the Study Center Means to UR Students
Speaking Events
Bringing a biblical worldview back into the educational lives of students
Discussion Groups
Exploring a biblical worldview and its relevance to students’ lives, their studies and the world we live in
Building relationships that encourage students in Christ and will last a lifetime
Finding a quiet place to study, read, pray and relax with friends in a comfortable setting that feels like home
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